
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Jo?o Batista;Pereira” ,找到相关结果约166289条。
O Padre Antonio Vieira: Orador e Profeta do V Império
Joo Batista Pereira
Diálogos , 2010, DOI: 10.4025/dialogos.v9i1.160
Joo Batista Pereira
DLCV : Língua, Linguística & Literatura , 2006,
Abstract: On the typology written by Lukács, based on the hegelian theory which novel is described as a bourgeois epopee, the hero is characterized in two ways: the bildungsroman and the entt uschungsroman. By this conception José Paulo Paes describes on his article “O pobre diabo no romance brasileiro” as an antihero brazilian, whose category has been used in some fictional narratives since 1940 in Brazil. By the propositions related in the above mentioned essay, we intend to delineate the Macabéa character, protagonist of the A Hora da Estrela, written by Clarice Lispector, showing her as a pobre diabo.
Joo Batista Pereira
DLCV : Língua, Linguística & Literatura , 2007,
Abstract: Going against the theorist concepts delimitated by Massaud Moisés in the action topics and in the narrative focus, we justify its inefficacious when it is applied to a modern tale. Concomitantly, we appropriate some Walter Benjamin assertive opinions in the article “O arrador – Observa es sobre a obra de ikolai Leskow”, in which he puts the reasons of the oral narrative failure in the contemporaneous world. Giving a face to the physiognomy of the “invisible cities”, we conclude that, all together, the tales looks for a platonic homogeneity, expressing an ideal locus found out in existing reminiscence in the narrator memory of the book As Cidades Invisíveis, written by ítalo Calvino.
Molybdenite as a Rhenium Carrier: First Results of a Spectroscopic Approach Using Synchrotron Radiation  [PDF]
Teresa Pereira da Silva, Maria-Ondina Figueiredo, Daniel de Oliveira, Joo Pedro Veiga, Maria Joo Batista
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering (JMMCE) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/jmmce.2013.15032
Abstract: The chemical and physical properties of rhenium render it a highly demanded metal for advanced applications in important industrial fields. This very scarce element occurs mainly in ores of porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits associated with the mineral molybdenite, MoS2, but it has also been found in granite pegmatites and quartz veins as well as in volcanic gases. Molybdenite is a typical polytype mineral which crystal structure is based on the stacking of [S-Mo-S] with molybdenum in prismatic coordination by sulphide anions; however, it is not yet clearly established if rhenium ions replace Mo4+ cations in a disordered way or else, if such replacement gives rise to dispersed nanodomains of a rhenium-rich phase. As a contribution to clarify this question, an X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) study using synchrotron radiation was performed at the Re L3-edge of rhenium-containing molybdenite samples. Obtained results are described and discussed supporting the generally accepted structural perspective that rhenium is mainly carried by molybdenite through the isomorphous replacement of Mo, rather than by the formation of dispersed Re-specific nanophase(s).
Towards the Recovery of By-Product Metals from Mine Wastes: An X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study on the Binding State of Rhenium in Debris from a Centennial Iberian Pyrite Belt Mine  [PDF]
Maria-Ondina Figueiredo, Teresa Pereira da Silva, Joo Pedro Veiga, Daniel de Oliveira, Maria Joo Batista
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering (JMMCE) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/jmmce.2014.22018
Abstract: Rhenium is a very scarce element, occurring in the Earth's crust mainly carried by molybdenite (MoS2). Due to a very low availability comparative to actual industrial demand, rhenium is nowadays one of the most expensive mineral commodities and an increased interest is focused on ex- ploring residues resulting from a long-term mining, particularly of sulphide ore deposits. It is therefore noteworthy to assign the presence of rhenium (in a concentration up to 3 ppm) in the waste materials from the old sulphur factory at the abandoned mine of Sao Domingos (Iberian Pyrite Belt, Southeast Portugal), exploited since the Roman occupation of Iberia. Aiming at a potential sustainable recovery of rhenium as a by-product, X-ray near-edge absorption spectroscopy (XANES) was applied to clarify the Re-binding and mode of occurrence by comparing Re L3-edge XANES spectra obtained from mine waste samples (previously fully characterized by X-ray laboratory techniques) with similar spectra collected from Re-rich molybdenites (Mo1-xRexS2) and from Re-O model compounds configuring various valences and coordination environments of rhenium ions. Obtained results are commented, ruling out a possible Re-S binding and rather conforming with the binding of rhenium to oxygen in the analysed mine waste materials.
Constru o das Escolas Famílias Agrícolas no Brasil: ensino médio e educa o profissional
Joo Batista Pereira de Queiroz
Sociedade e Estado , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/s0102-69922004000100016
Social and Environmental Management in the Municipalities of Minas Gerais, Brazil  [PDF]
José Roberto Pereira, Joo Batista Rezende, Ana Alice Vilas Boas
Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/jep.2015.61008
Abstract: The objective of this study is to analyze the ability of the public management of environmental problems faced by the municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The theoretical elements that underlie this article are related to environmental management and municipal public administration. We used the results of the natural vulnerability and the social potential of the indicator of municipal environmental management, as well as data on sanitation and waste disposal. The weaknesses of public administration are located in the counties of low population group. These municipalities do not have suitable structure, formal organization and power of decisiveness in dealing with environmental problems.
Social and Environmental Management in the Municipalities of Minas Gerais, Brazil  [PDF]
José Roberto Pereira, Joo Batista Rezende, Ana Alice Vilas Boas
Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/jep.2015.61008
Abstract: The objective of this study is to analyze the ability of the public management of environmental problems faced by the municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The theoretical elements that underlie this article are related to environmental management and municipal public administration. We used the results of the natural vulnerability and the social potential of the indicator of municipal environmental management, as well as data on sanitation and waste disposal. The weaknesses of public administration are located in the counties of low population group. These municipalities do not have suitable structure, formal organization and power of decisiveness in dealing with environmental problems.
Análise das componentes e a usabilidade das WebQuests em língua portuguesa disponíveis na web: um estudo exploratório
Bottentuit Junior, Joo Batista;Coutinho, Clara Pereira;
JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management , 2008, DOI: 10.4301/S1807-17752008000300002
Abstract: webquest is an extremely simple and rich way to take advantage of the educational potential of the web. it's based on collaborative learning and research processes for knowledge building, counting on thousands of contributions from educators all over of the world. however, many of the available online webquests do not conform to the minimum standards of quality in respect to the content and usability levels, or are no more than simple worksheets or "webexercises". in this article 483 webquests in portuguese, that were made available online between july and october 2007, were registered and analyzed. the evaluation focused on the content and on some indicators associated with usability. the results showed that, with regard to the content, the greatest failures were found in the assignments, in the resources and in the evaluation. in terms of usability, the largest failure to report is the absence of a "menu" in many of the examples examined. it was also found that only 41% were real webquests, categorizing the rest as simple "webexercises" with routine activities that do not allow the student to take full advantage of the knowledge building potential of the web.
Abordagem teórica dos condicionantes da forma o e consolida o dos parques tecnológicos Theoretical approach of determining factors to establish and consolidate technology parks
Alexandre Augusto Pereira Gaino,Joo Batista Pamplona
Produ??o , 2013,
Abstract: O artigo discute as condi es teóricas para a instala o e consolida o dos parques tecnológicos, mecanismos utilizados na promo o da inova o tecnológica e do desenvolvimento regional, alvo de diversas iniciativas de políticas públicas na atualidade. Para a consecu o desse objetivo foi adotada uma abordagem teórica e exploratória, por meio de revis o bibliográfica, em especial de referências internacionais. O artigo apresenta e analisa diversos conceitos e defini es de parque tecnológico e constata que essa diversidade decorre das diferentes realidades regionais e das variadas motiva es dos stakeholders. O papel dos parques tecnológicos no desenvolvimento regional assume múltiplas fei es em decorrência dos distintos interesses dos atores envolvidos em sua instala o. O artigo enfatiza e adverte que há importantes limita es da ideia de que o sucesso do parque depende fundamentalmente da capacidade de coopera o e mobiliza o de recursos por parte dos agentes envolvidos. This article investigates the theoretical conditions to establish and consolidate technology parks, mechanisms used to promote innovation and economic development of regions - target of several current public policy initiatives. To achieve this objective a theoretical and exploratory approach was adopted through bibliographical review, particularly based on international references. The article presents and analyzes various concepts and definitions of technology park, and notes that this great diversity arises from different adjustments of the technology parks to different regional realities and to various motivations of its stakeholders. The role of the technology park in regional development assumes many features due to the varied interest of the players in installing these instruments in their territories. The article highlights and warns that there are important limitations of the idea that the success of the park depends crucially on the players′ ability to cooperate and mobilize resources.

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